The following abridged version of our neighborhood association by-laws are provided for members for their information and use.

NAME: The name of this association shall be the LAKERIDGE RUN NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION (LRNA).

PURPOSE: The purpose of the LRNA shall be to promote a better community through group action. Specific goals may be established from time to time as the members decide.

MEMBERSHIP: Membership is open to any and all persons residing within Lakeridge Run. Keep in mind we are speaking here of membership in the association which has nothing to do with 100% compliance to LR covenants. Covenants must be followed and adhered to by every resident and homeowner in LR regardless of membership in association.

DUES: Annual dues shall be $175.00 per household and shall be renewable and adjusted periodically by Board of Directors to reflect the financial needs of the LRNA.

OFFICERS: Officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. They shall be elected by majority membership vote each year.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS: A board of directors shall be elected by majority membership vote each year. Any member of LRNA shall be eligible to be on the board. Board consists of eight elected members.