Please review the following committees and join to help our neighborhood.
Neighborhood Planning
Neighborhood Safety and Security
Neighborhood Covenants and Rules
Neighborhood Service
Neighborhood Hospitality
Neighborhood Compliance
Neighborhood Architecture
Neighborhood Planning Committee
Our neighborhood has been fortunate to have made timely improvements to keep pace with the newly established subdivisions. The success of the wall and other projects was due in part to having a five year plan as a guide. Today we are in need of a new plan for Lakeridge Run.
In order to keep our neighborhood looking good and being competitive with surrounding subdivisions we must continue to make improvements. Many of you have expressed ideas as to what may improve the neighborhood in beauty, safety, and security. Now is the time to put those ideas into a plan.
This committee will be charged with defining improvements, identifying costs, establishing budgets, and scheduling events for implementation.
Neighborhood Safety and Security Committee
Neighborhoods continue to change. Some of these occur when home ownership changes, traffic in the neighborhood increases, and surrounding commercial areas expand, and new subdivisions grow. We also notice changes to our neighborhood when the prices of some of the homes fall and other closely located subdivisions decline.
Today we are faced with issues that may not have been present ten years ago. One of the reasons for the wall was the safety and security of the neighborhood from a visual point of view. Strong walls demonstrate a strong neighborhood of like-minded, caring people.
There is a need for Lakeridge Run to examine the current situation and evaluate our need to improve the safety and security for all who live here. Technology can help a great deal, from near instant messages to surveillance systems. There is no substitute for neighbors looking out for and caring for one another. Neighborhood Watch programs have proved that when homeowners are organized crime goes down.
This committee will be charged with making an evaluation and appraisal of the neighborhood safety and security and making recommendations to the LRNA Board for funding of any projects that it feels can improve the neighborhood. It will also be in charge of the implementation and ongoing management of any programs that it believes would provide benefit to the neighborhood.
Convenants and Rules Committee
We all operate under sets of rules that govern our conduct. Most people bought property in Lakeridge Run because it has an official set of covenants on file with Cleveland County. These covenants guided the builders in the construction of each home in our neighborhood.
Each person who purchased property in the Lakeridge Run subdivision agreed to abide by the established covenants and conveyed that agreement by their signature at the time of closing. By default each became a member of the Lakeridge Run Neighborhood Association with the right to vote in accordance with the LRNA by-laws as guided by the covenants.
From time to time covenants need to be reviewed to make certain they are serving the needs of the current neighborhood and property owners.
This Neighborhood Committee will be charged with a complete review of the current Lakeridge Run Covenants to add to or modify the terms to better fit and/or enforce the rules, regulations, and requirements that govern Lakeridge Run.
Should the committee find the need to revise the existing covenants, the committee shall be charged with producing the modifications and presenting them to the property owners for voting.
Neighborhood Service Committee
Some in the neighborhood think the maintenance and services for Lakeridge Run get magically done by someone who is paid to perform the work.
The truth is that most of these services are contracted to lawn and landscape companies, but not all of the services that are needed can be farmed out. We do have some very dedicated people who volunteer their services to keep the Lakeridge Run neighborhood operating.
For example, planning the flower beds, landscaping, holiday decorations, etc. are in need of help! At times we need light-duty physical help to get things done like putting out the meeting signs, raising and lowering the flag, resetting the sprinkler system, changing the clock time, and other such activities.
This committee will be charged with the fun of getting together and making certain that things are operating properly for the neighborhood.
Neighborhood Hospitality Committee
What greater fun can a neighborhood have than getting together and feeling good about the place where they live?
In today’s world we can live next door to someone for ten years and never know his or her name. We can look across the street and see someone that we may wish we could get to know and yet making the effort crossing the street keeps us at home. On the other hand, we may know everyone on the block and feel the entire neighborhood would be better if more people knew each other.
We are no longer a society of people who sat on the front porch and visited with those who came by or sat their own porch nearby. Those times will never return, but we may be able to find ways for people in our neighborhood to meet and communicate with each other.
There are also those special times when someone new moves into the neighborhood and would welcome a visit by others who represent our community. And there are also those difficult times when lives may be changed by a death, illness, or disaster, when just knowing others in the neighborhood care is so helpful.
This committee will be charged with making this neighborhood feel like the greatest place to live because of the people who live here. This may include planning neighborhood get-togethers and other activities, making certain that newcomers get welcomed, and giving comfort to others.
Neighborhood Compliance Committee
We have all driven or walked by a house or property in the neighborhood and said, Why don’t those people keep up their yard or move that boat or fix that? You may actually be saying, Why doesn’t LRNA make them? Good questions.
Our existing covenants have set rules regarding what is and is not acceptable in our neighborhood. These currently include no weeds in the yard, lawns properly cut, and landscapes maintained. Boats, trailers, RV, etc. are not permitted to be parked for more than short durations. Houses must be kept in good order, including paint and roof.
Lakeridge Run does have legal means to force compliance. What we need is additional members on this committee to assist in identifying non-compliant properties and conveying that message to the property owner.
This committee will be charged with finding the most effective way to bring about compliance with the Lakeridge Run rules and covenants.
Neighborhood Architecture Committee
The original developers of Lakeridge Run put provisions into the covenants that would help protect the appearance of the neighborhood and the investment owners would have in homes. One of these provisions is that all construction and/or additions to the property must be approved by the Architectural Committee made up of current homeowners.
This committee is charged with approving or disapproving any new construction, including, but not limited to, modifications to drives, fences, roofing materials, storage buildings, and additions to homes.
Other Ways to Help Lakeridge Run
Webmaster. The Website needs a webmaster. If anyone would like to be the Lakeridge Run webmaster, this is a good opportunity to provide a wonderful and important service to the neighborhood.